What are the top brands in USA?
In an ever changing landscape of digital marketing, it can be hard to truly examine what works and more importantly what does not. A great place to start a brand’s campaign is by looking at the brands at the forefront of the digital marketing world and analyse what worked for them.
There is a lot of misinformation and poorly executed digital marketing strategies. It can be hard to execute a successful digital marketing strategy that connects with the audiences, increase brand awareness and add money to the bottom line.
Digital marketing campaigns are one of the most successful ways to reach potential customers while producing a campaign is costly and time consuming and there is no guarantee that it will have a positive return on investment.
Figuring how to reach and connect with the audience while converting them into potential customers can be overwhelming so it is always a good idea to look at the brands that have been successful and analyse what they are doing right.
Below are companies we believe have implemented a dynamic digital marketing strategy that increased the company’s return on investment and added value to the customers.
The companies below are not just doing digital marketing, they are creating experiences and content that captivates their audiences and brings outstanding brand awareness.
1) Lego
Lego’s products make it easy for them to create awe-inspiring campaigns and the company certainly takes advantage of it. In 2019, they released their first global campaign in 30 years which utilised the overwhelming power of content movie on the YouTube platform.
In the campaign, the brand wanted to tackle issues that are bigger than the toy industry. The vice president and head of its in-house agency stated that they have proven themselves in the toy industry and now it’s about more than toys.
The campaign includes references to climate change and a scene with a transgender couple, the hope being that it will inspire future generations to take a closer look at important social issues. The video attracted over 5 million views on YouTube and was successful because they took a potentially controversial stance on current social issues.
It helped share the brand’s story and gave the audience something to remember. 89% of customers shop from brands that share their values and 79% feel deeper personal connections with the brands that share similar values, this is a great way to stand out.
Parents who are trying to instil values in their children will feel more comfortable buying from a brand that shares what’s important to them.
2) Lyft
Lyft is a ride share company that has grown quickly over the past few years. It is on track to take over Uber as the leader in the taxi industry. The company’s rapid growth is likely due to the fact that more people are more than happy to pay for convenience.
Realizing this, the company saw that because people already love their service, Lyft just needed current customers to spread the word. They implemented a referral program and the company grew almost entirely through word of mouth marketing which is a traditional but highly-converting channel.
Lyft offers incentives for riders to act as advocates for the business by providing referral codes for their family and friends in exchange for free or discounted rides.
3) Dollar Shave Club
Shaving is the epitome of a daily boring routine, but Dollar Shave club shocked the notion of it’s drab, buttoned-up industry and kicked it out the window. Today the company has over a million subscribers, its promotional video has been viewed over 24 million times and it was recently acquired for $1 billion by Unilever.
DSC continues to share cheeky content such as ‘Is it bad to pluck nose hair with my fingers?’ And ‘Do I really need to wash my hands after I pee?’ The brand is adept at letting loose and acquiring widespread attention from its target audience.
4) Dove
Dove produces some of the best digital marketing campaigns with their sentimental TV and online commercials that go against the grain by changing beauty standards. Dove understands that the product they are selling is only part of the larger picture.
Women do not just want to look better; they also want to feel better. It began with their Real Beauty campaign, in which a forensic artist made two blind sketches of several women, one from her description of herself and one given by another person.
The sketches of the women describing themselves were less flattering than when someone else described them.
This cerebral advertising campaign gave a fantastic view into the brand’s conscience and connected with its market on a far deeper and memorable level than just showing beauty shots of its products.
5) Slack
Slack is a cloud based instant messaging tool that is intended to be the centre of workplace collaboration so that teams can communicate more efficiently, share files in one place, integrate other tools like Google drive, Zapier and use the feature of video calling.
They have had a pretty spectacular rise, with 15,000 users at launch to 171,000 within 6 months and 500,000 in less than a year and currently 5,000,000 users. Their secret sauce is delivering high-quality customer experience to their users.
They respond to 8,000 help desk tickets and up to 10,000 tweets per month. Slack has been selling a solution not a product. They are focused on customer experience and believe in one positive experience does more than a big marketing budget could accomplish.
6) Airbnb
Airbnb has changed the way consumers travel and look for accommodations. Their digital marketing strategy relies primarily on user generated images and videos on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, highlighting how-to videos and posts geared towards owners and popular city guides.
Their Instagram campaigns match humour with attractive images of different locations around the world, making it more than just a service, but also a travel forum.
Mariah Carey was the first celebrity to use Airbnb and when the team saw her post getting 45k likes they jumped on the opportunity to collaborate with her.
7) Tesla
Tesla’s success is one of the strongest digital marketing campaign examples with an impressive social media presence. They tweet about 4-6 times per month and each tweet has something interesting to share.
The popularity of Tesla is down to its CEO Elon Musk, who is extremely active on Twitter and has over 33 million followers. He has a big personality and uses it as a way to become more human and transparent in the eyes of the world.
Having an online realtime presence makes the brand and mission more relatable and personal.
8) Oreo
Oreo is quick to catch onto popular or topical events and they incorporate these observations into their marketing. One of their most famous campaigns was the Dunk in the Dark campaign from the 2013 Super Bowl blackout.
When the brand realized that the campaign could earn them a lot of tweets, they became the masters of news jacking tweets.
To successfully news jack a story or event, timing is crucial if the brand wants to see good engagement. In 2019, Oreo took advantage of the Game of Thrones finale and named their campaign #GameofCookies.
The company remade the opening credits of the show with the same music only animations were made entirely of cookies.
9) Nike
Nike has long since been one of the leading athletic brands. Having the largest market share in the athletic apparel industry Nike continues to outpace the competition when it comes to sales. The brand seems to effortlessly tap into the emotions of their target audience.
In a recent campaign, Nike encouraged social distancing during coronavirus pandemic stating ‘If you ever dreamed of playing for millions around the world, now is your chance.
Play inside, play for the world. Nikes marketing lies in their deep understanding of their target audience and the fact that they have always sold aspiration ahead of just selling a shoe or a tracksuit.
All brands discussed above are well established and these campaigns were certainly not their first ones. It is important to start by getting a firm understanding of what the audiences wants, needs, desires and aspires.
When a brand understands their audience, digital marketing is the fastest and most accurate, measurable way to test your brand campaigns. The inspiring examples discussed here are indicative of the power that digital marketing has to build awareness, drive discussion and convert sales. Want to be amongst these top brands? We can help, Call us on the above number or email us for your marketing and social media needs. Let’s plan a project together!